Hire me

I'm available for hire for small or bigger projects, anything related to Linux, C programming and Security:

  • C programming: mostly UnrealIRCd related modules, in that area I can basically code anything you want. I also occasionally code on other C projects, just ask! I have 20+ years experience with C coding and do so on a near-daily basis. I do my best to produce high quality code, not the type of code that crashes because of lack of error checking, buffer overflows or double free issues, all of which are easy to make mistakes with "C".
  • Linux: I have more than 20 years experience with installing and maintaining systems (Ubuntu/Debian) and with software like Apache/NGINX, PHP, MySQL, Samba, Exim/Spamassassin/Clamav, and lots of other software. I also have extensive experience with writing scripts. I am LPIC-2 certified.
  • Security: nowadays I mostly do defense, such as hardening of Linux servers.

My company Vulnscan exists since 2005 and is registered in The Netherlands. My fee is 100 EUR/hour for commercial projects and 50 EUR/hour for non-profit/individuals (excluding VAT).

Just contact me at [email protected] if you have an IT job in mind and I will let you know if I can help you out. If you want to read more about my experience, see my resume.